Working here
Find out more about working for us in our Boston and Toronto office at Pacific Life Re.
In North America our clients value the security, stability and peace of mind that comes from working with the longest established professional individual life retrocession business in the world.
"We believe in leading the way. We were the first to bring professional retrocession to North America and our commitment to bring the best new opportunities and products for our clients in the region has never waned."
Andrew Murphy
Managing Director | Protection
Europe and North America
In our offices in Toronto and Boston we operate as a life retrocessionaire to major reinsurance companies around the world. Our clients value the security, stability and peace of mind that comes from working with the longest established professional individual life retrocession business in the world.
We specialise in life risk management and offer one of the highest per-life retentions of any retrocessionaire. We are experts in data analysis across all aspects of mortality retrocession, whether excess of retention reinsurance, quota share arrangements, or inforce block transactions.
Dana Tatro
Vice President | Client Solutions, Protection
Sarah Cheng
Managing Vice President | Business Services
Find out more about working for us in our Boston and Toronto office at Pacific Life Re.
Medical Advances
Read our update on the impact of mortality from COVID-19.
Medical Advances
Lung cancer is often diagnosed at a late stage leading to poor prognosis for the individual. We look at how screening could have an impact.
Underwriting & Claims
Underwriting has been going through significant transformation over the last few years and continues to accelerate at an unprecedented pace. Traditionally seen as a barrier, there is now a growing opportunity to position underwriting as a strategic asset.
Big data analytics has been instrumental for (re)insurers aiming to boost performance, efficiency, and effectiveness.
Medical Advances
From emerging drugs which battle obesity to a review of the effectiveness of new blood tests both to detect cancer and to help slow down Alzheimer’s, we hope these insights help keep you up to date with the latest in medical research.
Medical Advances
Vaping is generally considered less harmful than smoking, however longer-term risks have not had time to emerge and could prove considerable.
Medical Advances
Despite broadly improving cancer mortality, some types of the disease are increasing in incidence
Consumer Duty has put increased focus on how much value different customers get from financial products. But how well is the protection industry serving different customer groups? Who are the most underserved groups, and what can the industry do to help serve these groups better?
Underwriting & Claims
Underwriting processes, practices and philosophies are changing with faster pace than we have ever experienced before.
Medical Advances
A new generation of drugs has now well and truly arrived aiming to improve weight loss. The drugs are heavily touted by celebrities and influencers, despite many of them having no medical need to lose weight. Obesity contributes significantly to some of the most common causes of death including heart disease and cancer, as well as affecting quality of life for millions. In this article we look at these increasingly available drugs offering hope to more people with obesity. We consider their potential to broadly improve health, and their limitations.
Medical Advances
Scientists successfully conducted early-stage trials which provide hope of a future cure for some of the most severe types of multiple sclerosis (MS).
Medical Advances
The world’s largest conference dedicated to the science and treatment of cancer took place in Chicago in early June. The American Society of Clinical Oncology’s annual meeting is a popular forum at which new scientific developments are often revealed.
Medical Advances
A recent review by WHO resulted in reclassification of pituitary adenoma as described in the article
Medical Advances
In 2023 we’ve seen soaring temperatures across the globe along with devastating storms and wildfires. Why is our climate changing and what impact is it having?
Medical Advances
Welcome to our first edition of Vital Insights. Here we’ve put together a collection of articles covering some of the major issues of the day with a specific focus on how they will impact mortality and morbidity.
Medical Advances
Total deaths from dementias in high-income countries have almost quadrupled in the last 20 years, yet so far medical science has very few answers. This article looks at the recent emergence of the first drugs which may be able to modify the effects of this terrifying disease
Medical Advances
COVID-19 has stolen the limelight from other respiratory viruses in recent years. However there are plenty of other common viruses which can have serious health consequences, among them Respiratory Syncytial Virus, or RSV.
Medical Advances
A new UN report reveals optimism about a possible end to the global AIDS epidemic
Medical Advances
Vaccine technologies have continued to improve greatly in recent years. However, vaccines are little use if people refuse to use them. Here we look at the precarious position of measles, a well-known but little-understood serious condition, which is held in check in most countries only because of high vaccine uptake.
Medical Advances
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer research arm of the WHO, recently classified the common sweetener aspartame as a possible cause of cancer in humans.
Beneath the Surface report 2023 We explored some of the key drivers of sustainability for the protection market. We undertook consumer research which combined with our medical and underwriting expertise and our deep understanding of the market, enabled us to create this report.
Beneath the Surface report 2022 In this report, we analyse the current VAS landscape in the UK & Irish protection markets. Look to understand the views and experiences of customers, with the aim of assessing how much value these services are really adding today. Look at what insurers say, and consider what the future might hold for the development of VAS.
Click here to view the Q4 2023 RIBM Canada Branch LIMAT Disclosure
Click here to view the Q1 2023 RIBM Canada Branch LIMAT Disclosure