Health and Wellbeing

We maintain a workplace environment that positively impacts our employee’s health and wellbeing. We have wellness champions dedicated to helping our people invest in their physical, emotional and mental welfare through various company initiatives that ensure everyone thrives. 

Supporting your health

Looking after our health is a prime concern for all of us. Here at Pacific Life Re we encourage walking meetings where people walk and talk, and provide subsidised gym membership and online fitness classes for employees. We also have Pacific Life Re running clubs across our locations.

We regularly hold education sessions about all aspects of health including sessions about the menopause, men's health, living with OCD to name but a few. 


Supporting your wellbeing

Looking after our mental health

We care for the good mental health of our people through encouraging social activities, physical exercise, learning new skills, giving to others and nurturing mindfulness. Our local wellbeing champions lead some excellent activities, including team walks, art therapy and puppy therapy and much more. 

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